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890 VMs deployed 🐡

Upgrade your VM

OpenBSD 7.6 is released! There are two ways you can upgrade your VM.

Either use sysupgrade(8) or do a manual upgrade.


vmXX$ doas sysupgrade

SHA256.sig   100% |***********************************|  2324       00:00    
Signature Verified
INSTALL.amd64 100% |**********************************| 44889       00:00    
base76.tgz   100% |***********************************|   414 MB    00:08    
bsd          100% |***********************************| 28007 KB    00:00       100% |***********************************| 28139 KB    00:00    
bsd.rd       100% |***********************************|  4600 KB    00:00    
comp76.tgz   100% |***********************************| 81512 KB    00:01    
game76.tgz   100% |***********************************|  2746 KB    00:00    
man76.tgz    100% |***********************************|  8039 KB    00:00    
xbase76.tgz  100% |***********************************| 60681 KB    00:01    
xfont76.tgz  100% |***********************************| 23020 KB    00:00    
xserv76.tgz  100% |***********************************| 20070 KB    00:00    
xshare76.tgz 100% |***********************************|  4538 KB    00:00    
Verifying sets.
Fetching updated firmware.
fw_update: add none; update amd,intel|

Your VM will reboot and start the upgrade process. You can follow this via the console if you want.


Check 7.6 errata and apply available patches.

vmXX$ doas syspatch
Relinking to create unique kernel... done; reboot to load the new kernel
Errata can be reviewed under /var/syspatch
vmXX# reboot
Connection to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX closed by remote host.

Connect to the console

To get connected to the console you need to have access to the host your VM is running on. The same username and public SSH key, as provided for the VM, are used to create a local user on the host.

When this is done you can use vmctl(8) to manage your VM.
The options you have are:

serverXX$ vmctl console vmXX
serverXX$ vmctl start [-c] vmXX
serverXX$ vmctl stop [-fw] vmXX

-f Forcefully stop the VM without attempting a graceful shutdown.
-w Wait until the VM has been terminated.
-c Automatically connect to the VM console.

~. To exit the console, which uses cu(1)

Note: id can also be your VM name.

Manual Upgrade

Upgrade your VM by downloading bsd.rd and moving it to /

vmXX$ ftp -V{bsd.rd,SHA256,SHA256.sig}

bsd.rd       100% |**********************************|  4533 KB    00:01    
SHA256       100% |**********************************|  1992       00:00    
SHA256.sig   100% |**********************************|  2144       00:00    
vmXX$ signify -Cp /etc/signify/ -x SHA256.sig bsd.rd
Signature Verified
bsd.rd: OK
vmXX$ doas install -g wheel -o root -m 700 bsd.rd /

When that is done you can reboot your VM and make sure you boot the new bsd.rd. You will be prompted for what do to. Select either (U)pgrade or (A)utoinstall.

After selecting (U)pgrade can pretty much enter your way through. The one exception might be the install sets.

You can also use (A)utoinstall, your VM will look for upgrade.conf. The one we are providing is:

Server directory? = pub/OpenBSD/7.6/amd64

The below install example will be very similar between (U)pgrade and (A)utoinstall.

Using drive 0, partition 3.           
probing: pc0 com0 mem[638K 3838M 4352M a20=on] 
disk: hd0+
>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.53                                                                               
com0: 115200 baud                                                                                        
switching console to com0                                                                                
>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.53                                                                               
boot> bsd.rd

Welcome to the OpenBSD/amd64 7.6 installation program.
(I)nstall, (U)pgrade, (A)utoinstall or (S)hell? u
At any prompt except password prompts you can escape to a shell by
typing '!'. Default answers are shown in []'s and are selected by
pressing RETURN.  You can exit this program at any time by pressing
Control-C, but this can leave your system in an inconsistent state.

Terminal type? [vt220]
Available disks are: sd0.
Which disk is the root disk? ('?' for details) [sd0]
Checking root filesystem (fsck -fp /dev/sd0a)...OK.
Mounting root filesystem (mount -o ro /dev/sd0a /mnt)...OK.
vio0: bound to from (0c:c4:7a:6b:f8:62)
Force checking of clean non-root filesystems? [no]
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.k...OK.
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.d...OK.
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.f...OK.
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.g...OK.
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.h...OK.
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.j...OK.
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.i...OK.
fsck -p 2e01de5f119ea24b.e...OK.
/dev/sd0a (2e01...a) on /mnt type ffs (rw, local)
/dev/sd0k (2e01...k) on /mnt/home type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0d (2e01...d) on /mnt/tmp type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0f (2e01...f) on /mnt/usr type ffs (rw, local, nodev)
/dev/sd0g (2e01...g) on /mnt/usr/X11R6 type ffs (rw, local, nodev)
/dev/sd0h (2e01...h) on /mnt/usr/local type ffs (rw, local, nodev, wxallowed)
/dev/sd0j (2e01...j) on /mnt/usr/obj type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0i (2e01...i) on /mnt/usr/src type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0e (2e01...e) on /mnt/var type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)

Let's upgrade the sets!
Location of sets? (disk http or 'done') [http]
HTTP proxy URL? (e.g. 'http://proxy:8080', or 'none') [none]
HTTP Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') []
Server directory? [pub/OpenBSD/7.6/amd64]

Select sets by entering a set name, a file name pattern or 'all'. De-select
sets by prepending a '-', e.g.: '-game*'. Selected sets are labelled '[X]'.
    [X] bsd          [X] comp76.tgz   [X] xbase76.tgz   [X] xserv76.tgz
    [X] bsd.rd       [X] man76.tgz    [X] xshare76.tgz
    [X] base76.tgz   [X] game76.tgz   [X] xfont76.tgz
Set name(s)? (or 'abort' or 'done') [done]
Get/Verify SHA256.sig   100% |**************************|  2144       00:00    
Signature Verified
Get/Verify bsd          100% |**************************| 24750 KB    00:03    
Get/Verify bsd.rd       100% |**************************|  4550 KB    00:00    
Get/Verify base76.tgz   100% |**************************|   368 MB    00:50    
Get/Verify comp76.tgz   100% |**************************| 76644 KB    00:10    
Get/Verify man76.tgz    100% |**************************|  7831 KB    00:01    
Get/Verify game76.tgz   100% |**************************|  2768 KB    00:00    
Get/Verify xbase76.tgz  100% |**************************| 57135 KB    00:07    
Get/Verify xshare76.tgz 100% |**************************|  4578 KB    00:00    
Get/Verify xfont76.tgz  100% |**************************| 22968 KB    00:03    
Get/Verify xserv76.tgz  100% |**************************| 14951 KB    00:02    
Installing bsd          100% |**************************| 24760 KB    00:00    
Installing bsd.rd       100% |**************************|  4550 KB    00:00    
Installing base76.tgz   100% |**************************|   368 MB    00:38    
Extracting etc.tgz      100% |**************************|   257 KB    00:00    
Installing comp76.tgz   100% |**************************| 76644 KB    00:13    
Installing man76.tgz    100% |**************************|  7831 KB    00:01    
Installing game76.tgz   100% |**************************|  2768 KB    00:00    
Installing xbase76.tgz  100% |**************************| 57135 KB    00:10    
Extracting xetc.tgz     100% |**************************|  7266       00:00    
Installing xshare76.tgz 100% |**************************|  4578 KB    00:02    
Installing xfont76.tgz  100% |**************************| 22968 KB    00:02    
Installing xserv76.tgz  100% |**************************| 14951 KB    00:02    
Location of sets? (disk http or 'done') [done]
Making all device nodes...done.
Relinking to create unique kernel...done.

CONGRATULATIONS! Your OpenBSD upgrade has been successfully completed!

Exit to (S)hell, (H)alt or (R)eboot? [reboot]


vmXX# syspatch
vmXX# pkg_add -u
vmXX# sysmerge -d

When on current, update your packages with:

vmXX# pkg_add -Dsnap -u