OpenBSD Amsterdam Logo
850 VMs deployed 🐡


“I switched to as my hosting platform. Setup was easy and painless, everything works as expected, I like it :). Highly recommended if you need a small virtual server, bonus points: running openbsd. Many thanks to the people providing this nice and rather cheap service! @OpenBSDAms"”

💻 okflo 🤸

“Migrated one of my #OpenBSD VMs to @OpenBSDAms. Super fast setup process, well documented and works like a charm. 100% in line with OpenBSD’s sane defaults. Kudos to @mischa and team!"
Matthias Schmidt (

“Migrated my personal site off Netlify and onto an #OpenBSD VPS. It’s been nice to do a little (non-critical) system administration again. Thanks @OpenBSDAms!"
ben (

“The way now allows users to set their PTR is brilliant"
Solène (

@OpenBSDAms continues to be my favorite remote #OpenBSD VM provider. It is:

-provides excellent support
-donates a portion of revenue back to #OpenBSDFoundation
-running #OpenBSD vms on #OpenBSD hosts
Happy to vote with my $$ for this awesome “cloud”. :)"
Bryan (

“After years not worrying running #OpenBSD on some VPS, I am thrilled to start developing on a VM from @OpenBSDAms"
cinza lorxu (

“I just moved my #OpenBSD VPSes over to @OpenBSDAms and so should you. Price is fair and it supports the OpenBSD project as well with part of the money!"
Garlef (@n3tb4dg3r)

“@OpenBSDAms Staying safe (and secure) is no problem with #OpenBSD. Great job, thank you for the initiative and effort! #RUNBSD"
h3artbl33d 🐡 (

“Awesome work by OpenBSD Amsterdam. Such a solid and reliable cloud host provider."
Kevin Williams (@k9w)

“Got a VM with @OpenBSDAms. Thanks to @mischapeters and everyone else working in this awesome project!"
Miguel Vidal (@mvidallopez)

“@OpenBSDAms You know, throwing the Hoff around thusly will seriously secure my business for a long time!”
tracey emery (

“Take your #OpenBSD VM at Really stable & great people. A mirror for amd64 is also available for package installation (i.e /etc/installurl) @OpenBSDAms"
Wesley (@wesley974)

“Rare I find providers worth mentioning but @OpenBSDAms definitely get a plus from me for vmm/vmd for OpenBSD vms and donating a portion of each order to #OpenBSD foundation as well, nice! 👍"
Madam Lop (@gwningen)

“3x Amazing initiative by @OpenBSDAms to donate #OpenBSD Foundation for every VM, amazing Enterprise SLA grade support from @mischapeters and last not least amazing #OpenBSD sandbox for new ideas!!”

Peter Hudák

“@OpenBSDAms Booked yesterday (on a saturday) before lunch a VM and got round 2 hours later the details and connect / login credentials. OpenBSD Amsterdam is the only hosting provider I tried, where I could try the service before I had to pay. Contacted Mischa 2 times for basic questions at the weekend and, he answered even it is weekend. The service works without problems and is affordable.

@mischa loves what he does - hope the service will always be as now even the project grows.

Maybe we need more hosting project like this one."
nawi (

“@OpenBSDAms Just to let you know that a french community around #openbsd ( is now hosted on a VM, and it works so well. Thanks !"
prx ( – Original toot removed

“@OpenBSDAms your customer service totally rocks! Thank you!”


“How exciting ❤️ #OpenBSD @OpenBSDAms @mischapeters"
Murilo Ijanc’ (@MuriloIjanc)

“I’m now a proud member of the @OpenBSDAms gang! Thanks to @mischapeters and everyone else working in this awesome project!"
Barboza (@SalveBarboza)

“thanks @OpenBSDAms , your VM + iked : I can surf with a brand new IP 🙂"
prx ( – Original toot removed

“@OpenBSDAms This was an interesting talk, and I signed up a VM a couple of weeks later. My experience so far has been smooth and positive. Thanks for all your efforts (...of course also to the cool people behind vmm/vmd). @mlarkin @pitrh”

Paul Kelly

“Here we go! First @OpenBSDAms VM #sysupgrade to 6.6 #66HYPE"
Bram (@Rock_Y)

“Kudos to @mischapeters for provisioning my @OpenBSDAms vm on a Saturday evening! That’s what I call service. #RUNBSD"
5c00824c97fd11e (@5c00824c97fd11e)

“Affordable servers for your own controllable piece of the internet, running on the most beautiful operating system. Free pannekoeken with every order may not be a fact, but $10 donated to The #OpenBSD Foundation for every order is!”

Leon Stafford
@leonvolunteers – Original tweet removed

“I just joined the @OpenBSDAms family :) Thank you very much, @openbsd, @mischapeters, @romanzolotarev and everybody else working on this project :)"
Aldo Mazzeo (@gb_master)

“@OpenBSDAms upgrading even for a non BSD user was a breeze,cheers"
Danny Dikker RCX (@dannydikker)

“I’m a happy customer of @OpenBSDAms now. I’m really enjoying the simplicity of vmd(8)/vmm(4) and OpenBSD in general, haven’t really used it much since version 3.x!"
Heidar (@heidarb) – Original tweet removed

“Super smooth upgrade from Openbsd 6.3 to 6.4 on my @OpenBSDAms VM"
DrWhax (

“you’re awesome, OpenBSD 6.4 just released today and upgrade process already started even finished! Unfortunately, on my side, I can’t be so fast."
Wesley (@wesley974)

“Thank you guys, @OpenBSDAms for supporting and providing an OpenBSD server."
Neeraj Pal (@_neerajpal)

“And thank you for first real public vmm/vmd deployment on #OpenBSD-current. You have business courage which is great! And you also keep in mind that without support of core #OpenBSD project this would not be possible. Kudos to you!”

Karel Gardas

“My blog is now running on an #OpenBSD VM, hosted by the wonderful people of @OpenBSDAms. OpenBSD is wonderful - it is all so well designed and documented. Also, I did not have to install a single additional package to get Let’s Encrypt going!"
Stefan Arentz (@satefan)

“Looks great! 🐡🌈"
Bunq (@bunq)

“Imagine it is Sunday and you have nothing to do. Join to run OpenBSD VPS. Price for one virtual machine is €60 per year, of which €10 is donated to the OpenBSD Foundation to support #OpenBSD development. If you have any questions just ask @OpenBSDAms."
Vetelko (@vetelko)

“Thanks @romanzolotarev and @OpenBSDAms for your hosting service based on OpenBSD!"
Mathieu Kerjouan (@niamtokik) – Original tweet removed

“Such wow. Very vmd(8)."
Mike Larkin (@mlarkin2012)

“Ever since the work on #OpenBSD‘s vmm/vmd hypervisor started, I imagined that it would be cool if somebody could run a cloud service based on it. @OpenBSDAms does it first and they even tithe... err... donate 10% to OpenBSD. Nice work!”

Reyk Flöter

“@OpenBSDAms Hey over there! I think we like you! (This is a non-sexual-pure-technical tweet). Greetings from the mountains!"
Data Center Light (@datacenterlight)

“Got me a VM from @OpenBSDAms and running PHP 7.3 on it with OpenBSD httpd"
Tom Van Looy (@tvlooy)

“I like the @OpenBSDAms initiative by @mischapeters: EUR 60/yr OpenBSD vmd(8) vm’s, EUR 10 of which is donated to the OpenBSD Foundation: hosted in @XS4ALL IP space. May OpenBSD & @OpenBSDAms live long & prosper. #OpenBSD"
Matthijs R. Koot (@mrkoot)

“@OpenBSDAms Congrats on the HN mention. ☺️”

Bryan Steele

“Your service rocks!"
Wesley (@wesley974)

“Hey @romanzolotarev Thanks for providing ssg! It is helping me to (slowly) put my #OpenBSD musings into words. Later #FreeBSD will also follow! And @OpenBSDAms thank you for hosting! Anyone interested, let us know"
fd0 RCX (@fd0_nl)

“The etsh (v6shell) website is now running on @OpenBSDAms instead of @Vultr .. Now, it’s time to finish prepping etsh-5.2.0 for release on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday .. Wheee ! #etsh #v6shell"
V6Shell(Jeff) (@v6shell)